React-Hooks Cheatsheet



useEffect 🦋


  • useEffect accepts a function which can perform any side effects.
  • Call signature: useEffect(effectFunction, arrayDependencies)
  • View the docs.

Basic Side Effect

Effect with Cleanup

It's pretty common to clean up an effect after some time. This is possible by returning a function from within the effect function passed to useEffect. Below's an example with addEventListener.

Multiple Effects

Multiple useEffect calls can happen within a functional component as shown below:

useEffect calls can be skipped i.e not invoked on every render. This is done by passing a second array argument to the effect function.

Skipping Effects (Array Dependency)

In the example below, useEffect is passed an array of one value, [randomNumber] Hence, the effect function will be called on mount and whenever a new "randomNumber" is generated.

Click the "Generate random number" button to see this.

Skipping Effects (Empty Array Dependency )

In this example, useEffect is passed an empty array, []. Hence, the effect function will be called only on mount.

Click the button and you'll see that the effect function isn't invoked.

Skipping Effects (No array dependency)

Without an array dependency, the effect function will be run after every single render.

useEffect(() => {
console.log("This will be logged after every render!")
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