React-Hooks Cheatsheet



useReducer 🦖


  • useReducer may be used as an alternative to useState.
  • Call signature: const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState, lazyInitFunction)
  • Ideal for complex state logic where there's a dependency on previous state values or a lotta state sub values
  • Depending on your use case you may find useReducer to be quite testable
  • View the docs.

Basic Usage

As opposed to calling useState, call useReducer with a reducer and initialState as shown below. The useReducer call returns the state property and a dispatch function.

Initialize State Lazily

useReducer takes a third function parameter. You may initialize state from this function, and whatever's returned from this function is returned as the state object. This function will be called with initialState - the second parameter.

Imitate this.setState's behaviour

useReducer uses a reducer that isn't as strict as Redux's e.g. the second parameter passed to the reducer, action doesn't have to have a type property. This allows for interesting manipulations such as renaming the second parameter and doing the following:

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